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Welcome to Ahmad BinObood's website

It is a pleasure and an honor to have you here navigating my website which will touch base with some parts of my life that i will be happy to share with you.

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My winning attitude:

'Always believe you are No.2.

Only then will you strive to perform better.’

Ahmad BinObood

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BinObood earned a B.Sc degree in Accounting from the HCT in Dubai, and an MBA from Zayed University; and a degree in Leadership from Harvard School.


BinObood has 20 years of financial experience, mainly in the Government Sector, and currently he is exploring the private sector as a new challenge.


BinObood is a strong team builder and promotes an atmosphere that encourages high talented professionals to balance high level skills with maximum production.


BinObood has received several recognition awards, such as the distinguished Employee across the Emirate of Dubai in 2005 within the Dubai Government Excellence Program.

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Experience & Expertise

Board Member

Gulf of Suez Petroleum Company (GUPCO)

October 2019 - Up to Date

DragonOil Holdings is a shareholder in Gulf of Suez Petroleum Company (GUPCO).  Therefore, I have been nominated to be a board member representing DragonOil in Gupco alongside with two respected colleagues from DragonOil.

Chief Financial Officer

DragonOil Holdings

October 2017 - To Date

Being the CFO of an Oil & Gas company that operates in more than 6 countries with an annual budget of over $1Billion.  Responsible for managing four financial units including Financial Accounts, Treasury & Tax, Financial Performance, and International Finance Operations.

Director of Finance & Admin.

The Prime Minister's Office of UAE

April 2012 - October 2017

Directing and managing four units including Budgeting & Reporting, General Accounts, Administrative Affairs, and Public Relations, and reporting directly to the Executive Director of the support services division. The main responibilities were 1) Providing financial information to assist the top management in making strategic decisions, and 2) introduce as many initiatives as possible to enhance the level of services provided internally and externally.

Director of Finance

Abu Dhabi Tawteen Council

July 2010 - April 2012

Managing the Finance Department, including the Financial & Management Sections  and reporting directly to the Executive Director of the Support Services Division.  There were many achievements during the period summerized in intiating 22 projects that resulted in building a distinguished Finance department among the government departments.

Director of Corporate Support

Dubai Land Department

December 2008 - July 2010

Directing four sections including Finance, Human Resources, Information Technology, and General Services Sections, and reporting directly to the Chief Executive Officer. Initiating and managing 12 services pricing studies that resulted in generating more than AED 50 millions.  The studied services included Real-Estate Developers, Brokers, Licenses, and others.

Director of Finance

Dubai Health Authority

August 2003 - December 2007

Managing the four sections of the Finance Dept, including Payables, Revenue, Budgeting & Costing, and General Accounts Sections, and reporting directly to the Assistant Director General.  The main achievement was getting the ISO Certification for the Department.  My main focus was to set a challenging KPI's to level up the services to a distinguished level among the different government finance departments in Dubai.

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BinObood's Podcast

Episodes are in Arabic

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Contact BinObood

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